Please keep in mind that you are in control of the price of your dogs haircut.
How to minimize the cost of your dogs groom
1. Brush your dog at home as often as possible! - It takes the groomers extra time to brush out ear, tail and face matting. If your dog is a breed that requires daily brushing then do so at home to avoid dematting at the salon.
Dogs with undercoat often need extra brushing at home as well, often it takes the groomer extra time and product to blow out all of the extra undercoat.
2. Keep the haircuts simple - the more technical you get with the haircuts, the longer they will take, and the more they will cost. If you want something like poodle feet, stove pipe legs, pom poms, boot cut, poodle head, longer length breed cuts and hand scissoring then expect to pay a little more for our skilled time.
3. Teach your dog the grooming process at home! If your dog is difficult to groom, aggressive, defiant, resistant, this will cause the groom to take longer. Practice grooming at home, and make it part of their routine and make it a positive experience. Feel free to talk to a groomer or trainer to learn tips on achieving this.
4. Puppies - Please refer to #3. Teaching your puppy grooming is extremely important. Dogs live many many years and that is many grooming bills in your future. The faster you start teaching your puppy about grooming, the quicker it will learn and the better it will become.
5. Regular grooming schedule - We have most of our clients on a 6 or 8 week grooming schedule. Some dogs just don't need to get groomed that often, and that's okay! You will benefit from using this schedule with a discount, a half off nail trim , and a dog that just simply knows the routine. Our regular clients are simply like family, we get to know the dog very well and build our trust with the dog. A dog that comes in on a 6-8 week schedule has a much more defined relationship with the groomer then a dog that comes twice a year. We have seen DRASTIC changes from dogs that came a few times a year, to dogs that are now on a regular schedule! Also keep in mind, groomers often find hidden problems in dogs that owners didn't even know where there, such as lumps, bumps, skin irritations, ticks, ear infections, teeth or gum issues, gland issues, broken or split nails. Some of these things if left untreated can become very serious, meaning very serious vet bills. Bringing your dog in often will allow us to detect these issues hopefully before its too late.
What could increase your price
1. Matting - matting on your pet will result in extra charges, as this takes extra time, skill and causes wear and tear on our equipment.
We will not fully demat a dog. If your dog comes in completely matted we will use the longest length blade that can safely and painlessly get underneath the matting. Ears, tails and faces can usually be saved based on the severity and tightness of the matting, your groomer will inform you if they need to be shaved. Matting can become so tight that it can cut off circulation in that area and cause bruising on the skin. Severely matted dogs will automatically have an additional $10 added to their groom.
2. Brushing your dog regularly - Brushing your dog on a regular basis will prevent matting and coat build up. It will also keep the coat more clean and free of debris. If you own a double coated breed and you don't brush it regularly the fur will build up and wont allow air to reach the dogs skin, this can result in hot spots, matting, balding, skin issues etc....
3. Expect to pay a little more if you are asking for more technical cuts. These take time and skill.
4. Behaviour - Bringing your dog to the groomer once in a while and expecting it to just "get it" does not always work. Work with your dog at home on its grooming, have it part of your daily routine. A safe place to put your dog to brush it, touch its feet, check out ots teeth, touch the ears ect..... make this a positive experience with lots of praise. If you are finding this very difficult then contact a trainer for tips! Dogs that have aggressive, defiant, resistant, fearful and anxious behaviour, will take more time and patience.
5. Puppies- Lets face it, they are puppies!!! They have NO idea what they are in for when it comes to grooming. We always suggest to first introduce them with just a bath and tidy service, and not the full haircut quite yet. Get them used to the noises, the groomer, the bath, the dryer. This is a lot for a puppy to take in. It is up to the groomer to work with the puppy and help it understand and learn what we expect from it on the table. However it is VERY important for you to continue this at home. We hear so often "my puppy bites me when i brush it, so we dont brush it. FAIL!...your puppy now won! You are in control of the dog and the dog NEEDS to do what you want it to do, if you are having troubles please contact a trainer! That's what they are there for!
6. Seniors- It happens often where a dog gets groomed most of its life with no problems. However you have to understand that they can get to a "senior" state. Some dogs become sore, arthritic, nervous, lose vision, lose hearing, and start to go, well, a little bit senial. This can cause the dog to become very difficult to groom, and takes extra time and patience for the groomer. Your dog may go from being charged for the hour, to being charged for an hour and a half because that is what it takes to safely groom your dog. Please understand you are paying for the groomers skilled time!
Keep in mind that you chose the breed you have. Every dog is different and every dog requires specific grooming. You may have a low maintenance dog such as a beagle, or a high maintenance dog such as a doodle. A beagle takes under an hour to groom, where a doodle can take an hour JUST to blowdry! Make sure when choosing a dog, your choosing one that fits your grooming budget!
When it comes to pricing out a groomer there are many things to take into consideration. At K-9 Kutz with Jessie you are paying for -
12 years experience grooming dogs - took a hands on grooming coarse at a grooming school, and continue to take seminars to keep education updated.
Higher end, mostly natural products
Updated, safe equipment
We groom dogs individually. Small dogs are with us no longer then 1.5 hours. Large dogs are with us no longer then 2.5 hours.
Insured - There are SEVERAL grooming salons out there without insurance, this is very important to have! Are you or your dog covered in the event of an accident? Is your groomer covered in the event that your dog bites the groomer?
Referrals - I have many referrals in which you can contact to gather information about others experience in my salon.
Love, Care, Patience and Kindness you can't put a price on! Your dogs health and safety are my number one priorities!